Growth as an Artist

One of the great things about art is growth as an artist. I didn’t start out as an artist. In fact, my early grade school teachers said my weakest subjects were art and music. Interestingly, I have been extremely involved in music my whole life. Music taught me that life is more than just following rules. Beyond playing the correct notes and rhythm lay a whole world of feeling and expression. I can’t imagine my life without music!!

Visual art happened much later in my life.  I had always admired watercolor, but it wasn’t till I was well into my 40s that I had an opportunity to learn. Once again, there were basics to learn. Even as I was learning how to paint, my appreciation and understanding of art was lacking because I didn’t understand art. I just liked “pretty pictures.”  

My lack of understanding made me question whether I was an artist. And so, I began struggling with the question, “What is art?  I came up with quite a list. In its most simple definition, art is a record of what we find important or meaningful. It is a way to transcend the ordinary. Art is often things or ideas combined in new ways. It can even be imagination. Art is right-brain thinking — it’s nonverbal, intuitive, and global rather than linear. My favorite example is a portrait of a woman showing her at different ages simultaneously. Art is best, in my opinion, when it expresses feelings or opinions or when it shows a glimpse of God’s glory. Artists do this using elements of color, design, and composition. That was the next level of growth as an artist, and there is always something more to learn because each of these elements is vast. 

As I have grown as an artist, I have grown as a person. First, I have accomplished what I never could have dreamed, and this has increased self-confidence. I have stretched myself and learned about myself in the process. Second, as I understand art better, I appreciate many styles of art. My life feels richer. I have a deeper appreciation of God as creator and my being made in his image. I have come to a deep conviction that everyone has a need to express themselves, and that we all find ways to do this—be it art, music, crafts, cooking, drama, writing, gardening, etc. I challenge you to think about the ways you do this and to do it with passion. We are made to create. Let’s go do it!!

8 thoughts on “Growth as an Artist

  1. Joni Laver

    Loved reading this Debbie and to see how you have grown in your watercolor painting. I already knew you were a gifted pianist. You inspire me!

  2. Sharon Teixeira

    I am loving your blog and eagerly look forward to more. Your thoughtfulness and insight makes me reflect on my life as well. Thank you

  3. Marsha Johnson

    This is a wonderful piece of art ! Your way with words is just as great as the pictures you paint ! Keep up the beautiful, soulful, and artistic art you do, Debbie, it’s amazing….

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